Before my baby was born, I decided I needed a Bumbo and tray (to use instead of a high chair in my small apartment). New, it would have cost me 50.00 and I (of course) decided to go the cheaper route and looked for a used set on-line. I found one for just 25.oo and thought this was my lucky day! After I bought it, I soon discovered that the Bumbo came from a smoker home and reeked of cigaret smoke.... After endlessly trying to get the smell out--impossible, by the way--I needed a different solution. I couldn't stand the thought of puting my baby in somthing that smelled like smoke so I thought, "what if I make a cover!" Turns out I wasn't the first one to think of it! I found ones you can purchase (for 27 dollers themselves), and a great tutorial and pattern for making one (again the cheaper route).
Click HERE for the tutorial I found.
(or copy and paste the link)
I didn't do it exactly, since the pattern wasn't the easiest to follow, and I also added a few things. Here's what I did differently:
1. I lined mine with a shower curtain I bought at the dollar store in order to keep in the smoke smell. Just use the same pattern peices to cut out the liner. Then pin the liner pieces to the main pieces and sew away!
I didn't care about my liner being conventional and this was just an easier way for me. But if you know how to whip out a good liner, by all means do it better! (caution: it's harder to sew since the shower curtain slips around).
2. I made a bottom peice to the cover(also lined with shower curtain) velcroed onto the bottom of the Bumbo, that the top cover could fit over--also to keep in the smoke smell.
First you trace the bottom of the Bumbo onto your fabric--and again onto your liner--with fabric pen, then cut it out. Then pin them together and zigzag the edges.
Next place one side of the stick on velco (i.e. scratchy side) onto the cover peice, and stick the other side (fuzzy side) onto the bottom rim of the Bumbo. Then stick 'em together! (Another caution: this makes the tray harder to fit on because of the bulk, but it does still fit!)
3. I saw the nifty addition of ribbon loops to attatch toys to on the ones you can purchase. So, I added loops to mine too! Sometimes my baby just plays with the ribbons themselves.
Then put the rest of your Bumbo cover on and.... Prest-o Change-o! You have a much cuter (and non-smelling) Bumbo. Congratulations :)
Other addition ideas:
Add pockets to the cover to store some toys etc. in.
Make the arm rests out of minki material to add more of a sensory experience.
Add loops to the arm rests for more toy linking options.
You can put vinyl on the outside of the material for easier wipe down.
Cute Stuff From the Baby Shower I helped throw:
Lace Cupcake Holders
Decorations--onsies hanging from twine with clothes pins and hanging tissue paper pom-poms (Click HERE for how to make them)
Food Table Set-up
And Gift Basket Game (you have mommy knowledge quesitons attatched to each item and the girls take turns asking the mom-to-be the quesitons and if she gets it right she gets to keep the gift, if not, the girl gets to keep it!)
Fun Stuff!
Way clever!